Monday, April 4, 2011

John Beaird's Times

Hugh Forgey's brother in-law's life really reflected the times he lived in. I have been searching for more about him at Google Books. I have found more about his campaign against the Cherokees. There was a great deal of anger among the white settlers at that time because of the murder of a white man by the Cherokees. I guess John Beaird's attack was fueled by anger over this murder and previous murders. He received the support of the local white population in eastern Tennessee.
He apparently also brought a slave into Indiana Territory (now southwestern Illinois) and a court case ensued.  I would like to research this some more. Could not access the full case at Google Books.
John's close associate Robert Reynolds petitioned to allow slaves to be brought into the area. He was also a pro-slavery delegate to the Convention called by Gov. Harrison.

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